How crowdinvesting allows everyone to invest into your company – interview with Eivind Liland

Today’s episode of the Worthwhile Ventures Podcast is in English: I’m interviewing Eivind Liland, CEO at Orbital Machines. Orbital machines develops to perfection electric rocket engine turbo pumps as a supplier to the emerging new space ecosystem. The company is funded via crowdinvesting, which is a super interesting way of financing your company, in a way that not only rich people and institutions, but everyone can invest. 

In this episode you will hear: 

1:23 Crowdinvesting explained easily.

2:52 How hundreds of investors are managed when Crowdfunding, and what the challenges are. You can for instance use a specialised plattform for communicating with the investors, like

5:16 If one investor of the many can block decisions or not, and how it is possible to structure the investors. Also how a flat structure with every shareholder having the same rights has something to it.

6:42 The difference to Crowdfunding. 

7:24 How to organize the Crowdfunding, and which platforms Orbital Machines uses. Also, these are crowdfunding platforms in Germany and Europe: (UK / European)  (German) (German) 

8:24 When Orbital Machines is planning the next financing round and how much money they have raised so far.

9:15 Which models and products are suitable for crowdinvesting, and which are better off using crowdfunding. 

11:31 Which other funding options Orbital Machines has looked into, and you learn about the related non-profit project of building rockets for air travelling – Copenhagen Suborbitals And about the social component of Crowd Investing.

13:00 When you might be able to go to space with Orbital Machine’s products! 

14:39 How to convince investors, and how to prepare for your crowdinvesting campagne.

16:39 If Orbital Machines had helpers and consultants, and other tipps for your campagne.

18:14 Mistakes that should be avoided in the process or in the crowdinvesting campagne. 

19:16 Why it makes sense to talk to potential investors before the campagne. 

20:42 Eivind’s ultimate tipp for founders: It’s always a chaos and it always looks like it’s going to fail. You have to believe in it! 


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